I {heart} Ian and Rachael
I've been putting off this post. I've written it a couple of times, then re written it. The truth is I suppose, I don't want to post about Ian and Rachaels wedding as it makes it feel a bit final, a bit over. I cannot tell you how much fun it was to shoot these guys wedding, nor what a truly wonderful pair of people they are. I'm going to miss you peeps!
When, after our initial consultation, in their amazing apartment that used to be part of an old knicker elastic factory, Rachael sent me on my journey home with a little bundle (of gratefully received!!) biccies, I knew this was a couple I wanted to get involved with! I spent the drive home thinking how much I would love to shoot their wedding and how completely up my street it sounded.
When Rachael confirmed the booking I literally did a little happy dance. I had so many lovely email conversations with Rachael, and loved her messages keeping me up to date with how things were getting along and sending photos of dresses and shoes. Dress and shoe flavour emails are the best. Fact. I get to live vicariously through the gorgeous things dropping in my inbox!
Rachael and Ian were getting married in Manchester, a city I loved having lived there for four years and I was genuinely excited to have a very good reason to head to the city. I travelled up with my sister and other photographer for the day Syriol on Friday night, looking forward to a good nights kip before what was looking like an epic day ahead on Saturday.

Now, we had quite a freaky October, and what should have been a normal wet weekend in the northern city, had turned into a Saturday full of blue skies and beautiful sunshine..... I couldn't believe our luck!! It was a beautiful warm day and Rachael totally rocked out her tea length 50s dress and Vivienne Westwood Lady Dragons. I looked less stunning in my smart grey linen trousers and slightly flushed from the hot day face. With the amount of running around I do on a typical day, I really should be a size 8 with amrs like popeye but sadly I seem to level out the balance with post shoot take aways and wedding cake donations. Must. Do. Better!!
Anyway, before I blabber on too much about what a star couple these two are, just enjoy a few pictures from their day, and a heartfelt thank you to Rachael and Ian for having us along for the ride. It was one hellova lot of fun xxx